Posts tagged ‘Shopping’

August 18, 2011

Dancing Mania

Recently, I dragged Mr. Brady with me to buy new animations and poses for myself.  The old ones are starting to be – well old.  They are still usable, but you know..sometimes you need to have something new.  At any rate we started at the first store checking out stands, sits and the such.  I bought a handful and we were on our way to the next store.  Its difficult for me to find animations because I tend to like the good girl style, but with a bit of snarky added in.  Not what is typically offered.

Anyway, we arrived at Henmations.  Huge store!  We ended up finding couples dances that were quite a bit of fun! Surprise! Not what we were looking for, but we spent the rest of the night checking them out and shopping for those instead.

Busta Move

I ran off on my own and grabbed an Intan Couples Dance Machine to put them in.  I am sure people in the group will enjoy them as much as we do.  It will also allow for times with friends over now and again.  So as a result I get to reorganize parts of the parcel.  Woots!

Here are some pictures of the shopping adventure.  It was a blast!

Dance Shopping


Still dancing shopping


Samba pose!

In real life, both of us would get hurt doing this one. O.o LOL!

The dip!